Hello Amigurumi followers, I wanted to share free amigurumi models with you on my Amigurumi mobi page. In my article, I share the Amigurumi Bunny Nurse Free Pattern for you. In the article on my page, I give detailed information about the Amigurumi pattern;Amigurumi Bunny Nurse Free Pattern.

You can use:
▪ Worsted weight yarn in your color choice. I used:  Bernat Super
Value in skin color yarn, white yarn and blue yarn.
▪ Size 3 mm hook
▪ Fiberfill for stuffing
▪ Tapestry needle to weave in ends
▪ Stitch marker
▪ Felt fabric in red
▪ Black and brown cotton thread
▪ 10 mm black safety eyes
The height of this Doctor Bunny is 28 cm.

CH = chain
SL ST = slip stitch
ST(s) = stitch (es)
SC = single crochet
DEC=SC2Tog = sc 2 together (decrease)
INC= SC2 = sc 2 in one st (increase)
FLO = Front loop only
R = round
FO = fasten off

Amigurumi bunny free pattern

Head (make 1) in skin color yarn
R1. 6 sc in a magic ring (6) pull ring closed tightly
R2. 6inc (12)
R3. (sc, inc) *6 times (18)
R4. (2sc, inc) *6 times (24)
R5. (3sc, inc) *6 times (30)
R6. (4sc, inc) *6 times (36)
R7. (5sc, inc) *6 times (42)
R8. sc around (42)
R9. (6sc, inc) *6 times (48)
R10-R19. sc around (48)
R20. (6sc, dec) * 6 times (42)
R21. (5sc, dec) * 6 times (36)
R22. (4sc, dec) * 6 times (30)
R23. (3sc, dec) *6 times (24) join to next sc with a sl st.
• FO leaving a long tail to sew the head to the body.
• Stuff the head nice and firm.
• Sew on the bunny’s eyelash with black thread cotton. Place the 10
mm safety eyes between rows 13 and 14, with 6 sts between them.
• Sew on the bunny’s nose with brown thread cotton between rows
14 and 17.

Ears (make 2) in skin color yarn
R1. 6 sc in a magic ring (6) pull ring closed tightly
R2. 6inc (12)
R3. (sc, inc) * 6 times (18)
R4-R13. sc around (18)
R14. (sc, dec) *6 times (12) join to next sc with a sl st.
• FO and leave a long tail to attach the ears symmetrically to either
side of the head.
• Sew the ears between rows 7.
• You can use pink cotton thread yarn and pink blush make bunny is

Arms (make 2) in skin color yarn
R1. 6sc in a magic ring (6)
R2. (sc, inc) *3 times (9)
R3-R18. sc around (9) join to next sc with a sl st.
• FO, leaving a long tail for sewing onto the body.
• Single crochet across the opening shut. (4 sc)

Legs (make 2) and Body (make 1) in skin color yarn
Left leg:
R1. 6sc in a magic ring (6)
R2. 6inc (12)
R3-R22. sc around (12) join to next sc with a sl st.
Right leg: Do the same as left leg until R22, stuffing the legs.
R23. 3ch
R24. Join two legs into one piece: 12sc on left leg, chain 3, 12sc on right
leg, chain 3 (30)
R25-R30. sc around (30)
R31. (3sc, dec) * 6 times (24)
R32-R41. sc around (24)
R42. (2sc, dec) *6 times (18)
R43. sc around (18) join to next sc with a sl st.
• FO leaving a long tail to sew the head to the body.

Dress (make 1) in blue yarn
Do 28ch,
R1. 1ch, 28sc (28) sl st on first st.
R2-R18: sc around (28)
Fasten off.

Lab coat (make 1) in white yarn
Do 34 chain
R1. 1ch, 34sc (34)
R2. (4sc, inc) *6 times, 4sc (40)
R3. 6 sc, 4 chain (skip 8 stitch), 13sc, 4 chain (skip 8 stitch), 5sc (32)
R4. 7sc, inc, 16sc, inc, 7sc (34)
R5-R24. sc around (34)
Fasten off.
R1. 1ch, 14sc (14)
R2-R13. sc around (14)

Hat (make 1) in white yarn
R1. 6sc in a magic ring (6)
R2. 6inc (12)
R3. (sc, inc) *6 times (18)
R4. (2sc, inc) * 6 times (24)
R5. (3sc, inc) *6 times (30)
R6. FLO. sc around (30)
R7-R10. sc around (30)
Fasten off.
▪ Cut felt fabric in red make heart and red cross.

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