Hello Amigurumi followers, I wanted to share free amigurumi models with you on my Amigurumi mobi page. In my article, I share the Amigurumi Crochet Jellyfish Melano Pattern for you. In the article on my page, I give detailed information about the Amigurumi pattern;Amigurumi Crochet Jellyfish Melano Pattern.


MR – magic ring
Sc – single crochet
Inc– increase
Dec– decrease
Hdc – Half double crochet
Ch – chain
Slst– Slip stitch
BLO– Back loop only
FLO– Front loop only


Rnd 1. 6 sc in MR
Rnd 2. 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3. (sc,inc)*6 (18)
Rnd 4. (2sc,inc)*6 (24)
Rnd 5. (3sc,inc)*6 (30)
Rnd 6. (2sc,inc,2sc)*6 (36)
Rnd 7-10. 36 sc
Rnd 11. (4sc,dec)*6 (30)
Rnd 12. (3sc,dec)*6 (24)
Finish off with a slst.

Place safety eyes between rnd 10 and 11 keeping 7 sts, between them.
Embroider the cheeks between rnd 11 and 12.


Rnd 1. 6 sc in MR
Rnd 2. 6 inc (12)
Rnd 3. (sc,inc)*6 (18)
Rnd 4. (2sc,inc)*6 (24)
Finish off with a slst.


Make chains of 25, 30 and 35 sts.
Turn and crochet on the chain.
Make 2 or 3 on each st. of the chain. You also make 2 or 3 hdc on each st.
Choose your own adventure.
Leave a strand to sew each tentacle to the base.

Join yarn and crochet on the front loop of the body and the back loop of the base.
Crochet: slst, ch, in FLO: (sc, 4 hdc on the next st, skip 1 st)*8 (42)

All Finished.