Hello Amigurumi followers, I wanted to share free amigurumi models with you on my Amigurumi mobi page. In my article, I share the Amigurumi Plush Velvet Bunny Free Crochet Pattern for you. In the article on my page, I give detailed information about the Amigurumi pattern;Amigurumi Plush Velvet Bunny Free Crochet Pattern.

Amigurumi Plush Velvet Bunny Free Crochet Pattern

Necessary materials
1. Himalaya Dolphin Beby plush yarn
– Main color No. 325
– Additional color No. 301
For additional color, you can also use Alize Softy Plus yarn, white.
2. Filler (synthetic fluff, holofiber)
3. Plastic spout on a secure mount with a cap 14 * 19 mm
4. Plastic eyes on a secure mount with a plug with a diameter of 12-14 mm
5. Hook No. 4 or No. 3, 5
6. Thread in the color of the main thread for tightening and sewing on parts
7. Thread for eyebrow embroidery
8. Needle for sewing parts and tightening
9. Filler (synthetic fluff, holofiber)
10. Decorative items (optional)
11. Lighter for singing threads

AR – Amigurumi Magic ring
MR – Amigurumi Magic ring
App – application
ll – lift loop
sc : Single Crochet
inc : Increase
dec : Decrease
tr : Triple Crochet/ Treble Crochet
st: Stitch
dc : Double Crochet
hdc: Half Double Crochet
sl-st : Slip Stitch
ch : Chain
..in : make increase into same stitch as many as the number which is given in front of “inc” abbreviation (exp; 3inc, 4inc..).
FLO : Crochet into front loops only
BLO : Crochet into back loops only
BL : Bobble Stitch – do 5dc all in the same stitch and then yarn over and pull through all the loops on your hook (the original loop + 1 loop for each partially completed dc).

Amigurumi Plush Velvet Bunny Free Crochet Pattern:

We start knitting with an additional color.
1. Cast on a chain of 7 air loops, in the second loop from the hook (3sc in one loop); 4 sc; (3sc in one loop); 4 sc (14)
The marker runs from the bottom, from the side.
2.3 inc; 4 sc; 3 inc; 4 sc; (twenty)
3. (1sc 1inc) * 3times; 4sc; (1sc; 1inc) * 3times; 4sc (26)
4.26 sc unchanged
Tie another 2 sc, fasten the thread and trim.
Insert the nose between the 2nd and 3rd rows.

We do not fill the tail or fill it very weakly.
We knit with an additional color.
1. 5 sc in MR (5)
2. 5 inc (10)
3. (1 sc; 1 inc)*5 time (15)
4. 15 sc without changes(15)
5. (1 sc; dec)*5 time (10)
Fasten the thread, cut.

Ears (2 parts)
We knit in the main color. We do not stuff the ears.
1. 6 sc in MR (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (1 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (18)
4-5. 18 sc without changes(2 row)
6. (2 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (24)
7-9. 24 sc without changes (3 row)
10. (6 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (21)
11. (5 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (18)
12. 18 sc without changes
13. (4 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (15)
14. 15 sc without changes
15. (3 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (12)
16. (2 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (9)
Fasten the thread, cut.

Hands (2 parts)
We fill the handles as we knit. We start to knit complementary color.
1. 6 sc in MR (6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. ( 3sc; 1 inc)* 3 times (15)
4-5. 15 sc without changes(2 row)
The marker runs along the inside of the hand
6. (3 sc; 1 dec)* 3 times (12)
Fill the bottom of the hand with filler.
Change the color to the main one.
7. ( 4 sc; 1 dec)* 2 times (10)
8 -16. 10 sc (9 rows)
Fill the hand with filler, do not fill the last three rows.
Fasten the thread, cut.
We will knit the arms and legs into the body by simply folding them together.

Legs (2 parts)
We fill the legs as we knit.
We start knitting with an additional color.
1. We collect a chain of 6 air loops, in the second loop from the hook 4 sc; (3sc in one loop); 3 sc; 1 inc (12)
2. 1 inc; 3 sc; 3 inc; 3 sc; 2 inc (18)
3. 1sc; 1inc; 3sc; (1sc; 1inc)* 3times; 3sc; (1sc; 1inc)* 2times (24)
Change the color to the main one
4 – 6. 24 sc unchanged (3 rows) marker located at the back legs
7. 6 sc; 6 dec; 6 sc (18)
8. 1 sc; 1dec; 4 sc; 2 dec; 4 sc; 1 dec; 1 sc (14)
Fill the bottom of the leg with filler
9 – 15.14 sc unchanged (7 rows)
Add filler to the leg. We do not fill the last three rows.
16. (5 sc; dec) * 2 times (12)
17.12 sc unchanged;
Tie 2 more sc, fasten thread, trim.

The body fits together with the head
We start knitting from the body.
We fill in the course of knitting. We start knitting with the main color.
1. 6 sc in MR(6)
2. 6 inc (12)
3. (1 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (18)
4. (2 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (24)
5. (3 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (30)
6. (4 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (36)
В слеon the next row we will knit the legs. The marker runs down the middle of the back.
7.6 sc; 6 sc with stem; 12 sc; 6 sc with stem; 6 sc (36)
8-12. 36 sc without changes(5 rows)
13. (4 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (30)
14-15. 30 sc without changes(2 row)
16. (3 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (24)
17. 24 sc without changes
18 . (4 sc; 1 dec) *4 times (20)
Gradually fill the body with filler.
In the next row we will knit hands.
19. Pre-align the handles with respect to the legs, the distance between the handles in front and behind will be 5 sc and 5 sc, we will knit together with the handles. Total in the row (20) sc.
20. (2sc; 1 dec) *5 time (15)
21. (3sc; 1 dec) *3 times (12)
We fill the body with filler to the end.
We continue knitting. (I remind you that we knit the body together with the head)

We start to knit the head
We knit in the main color. We fill in the course of knitting.
1. 12 inc (24)
2. (1 sc;1 inc) *12 time (36)
3. (5 sc; 1 inc) *6 time (42)
4. 42 sc without changes
5. (13 sc; 1 inc) *3 times (45)
6 – 7. 45 sc without changes (2 row)
8. (13 sc; 1 dec) *3 times (42)
9 – 10. 42 sc without changes (2 row)
We begin to fill the head with filler, first very well, more tightly, you need to distribute the filler in the neck area so that the head does not dangle.
11.(5 sc;1 dec) *6 time (36)
12 – 14. 36 sc unchanged (3 rows)
Insert eyes between 9 and 10 rows
15. (4 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (30)
16. (3 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (24)
17. (2 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (18)
18. (1 sc; 1 dec) *6 time (12)
Fill your head with filler.
19.6 dec (6) pull the hole, fasten the thread and hide

Assembly and design
Sew on the muzzle between rows 2 and 10, flattening it a little.
We do a head tightening:
– We introduce a needle with a thread in color, from the bottom in the middle, at the junction of the body and the head, between 21 row of the body and 1 row of the head.
– Draw under the left eye from the outer edge, retreating to the other edge of the eye.
– We introduce the needle and bring it out at the initial point, we do not tighten it very much.

– Next, we withdraw the needle under the right eye from the outer edge, retreating to the other edge of the eye.
– We introduce the needle and bring it out at the initial point, we do not pull very tightly.
– Tie the thread and repeat the above.
– Tie the thread, cut it and hide it in the head.
We sew the ears on the crown of the head, squeezing them slightly to the sides.
We design the muzzle. We embroider eyebrows.
Sew the tail so that it serves as a support when sitting.

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